
Synomag®-D and synomag®-S are prepared by a core-shell method. They consist of a core of maghemite with „nanoflower“ structure in a matrix of dextran (synomag®-D) or starch (synomag®-S). The unmodified particles are available with hydrodynamic diameters of 50 nm and 70 nm (synomag®-D) or 100 nm (synomag®-S). The particles cannot be separated with conventional permanent magnets, but in a high gradient magnetic field. They are delivered in water without any surfactants.

Renowed working groups have investigated the properties of synomag®-D particles under the names MM08 (Bender et al. 2018) or NF-2 (Gavilan et al. 2017). Synomag® particles are interesting tracers for Magnetic Particle Imaging (MPI) methods. The amplitude A3 of the 3rd harmonic in the MPS-spectrum of synomag®-D is more than twice as high compared to Resovist® (Grüttner et al. 2018).

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