
Plain magnetic plain silica particles (sicastar®-M) are available with mean diameters of 350 nm or 1.5 µm. The 350 nm plain sicastar®-M particles have an extremely dense coating around the iron oxide core. Thus these particles are inert in many biological assays and do not influence any background signals.

The particles are produced by hydrolysis of orthosilicates in the presence of magnetite and show a homogeneous distribution of magnetite in the silica matrix by the special preparation method. The plain particles have a hydrophilic surface with terminal Si-OH-bonds. The 1, 5 µm magnetic silica particles can easily be separated with conventional permanent magnets and are extremely stable in organic solvents and at high temperatures. The plain 1.5 µm sicastar®-M particles can be used to isolate plasmid-DNA. 5-10 µg plasmid DNA per mg particles can be isolated from 1-1.5 ml overnight bacteria culture with OD (260 nm) / OD (280 nm) > 1.9.

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