
Cluster-typed plain magnetic silica particles (sicastar®-M-CT) consist of aggregates in the size range of 3 – 30 µm with a mean diameter of 6 microns. The particles are produced by hydrolysis of orthosilicates in the presence of magnetite and show a homogeneous distribution of magnetite in the silica matrix by the special preparation method. The plain particles have a hydrophilic surface with terminal Si-OH-bonds. The magnetic silica particles can easily be separated with conventional permanent magnets and are extremely stable in organic solvents and at high temperatures.
The plain sicastar®-M-CT particles can be used to isolate plasmid-DNA. 5-10 µg plasmid DNA can be isolated from 1-1.5 ml overnight bacteria culture with OD (260 nm) / OD (280 nm) > 1.9. Similar results were obtained for the plain 6 µm sicastar®-M-CT particles in highly viscous media.

Showing the single result
